
  -  News   -  Cross-dialogue between our 2 artists: Laurence de Tapol Nesson and Anne Loriers
Laurence de Tapol Nesson et Anne Loriers

Anne and Laurence did not know each other until a few months ago. During the meetings to prepare this exhibition, they exchanged directly with each other to get to know each other better and to be sure to contribute to the elevation of the other through the selection of their works. A real complicity and … a relief sometimes to not be alone … started to emerge. It is quite naturally then that for this interview they decided to ask each other these questions that hang at the end of our lips. The reason I decided to have them together in one exhibition  is that first I knew that they would get along and second that they are both humble persons with talent that is discrete but asserted. They are very creative with endless imagination with a real personality. They propose a feelgood art.

We let you enjoy this dialogue between Anne Loriers and Laurence de Tapol Nesson which will undoubtedly tickle your curiosity.

The showroom-gallery is open during summer until 15/08 and then back in force from early 09/2022.

Exhibition “Le plus grand bien est peu de choses” till 11 September 2022.