
  -  News   -  Alexandre Aldavert : Premises of a Cosmogony, an exhibition of photographs and stories

Far from finding wonder in the extraordinary or the exceptional, Alexandre Aldavert (France) reveals it in the fragility of the elements, in this nature that we see without ever looking at it. He creates or seeks out these organic landscapes where scenes are woven that remind us of our humanity.

Alexandre Aldavert

All rights reserved @alexandrealdavert

Le nide des Evadès


One never arrives at art and more precisely at photography by chance, it is the wonder that led him there. Today, it is indispensable to him. It was during an 8-month stay in Korea, as part of his design studies, that Alexandre became convinced that photography would be the only way to go. From then on, he collaborated with brands and artists such as Karl Mazlo, but he also produced his own artistic projects such as “Resistance Resilience”. “I’m a photographer who makes a scene. I take the time to create a setting, I draw landscapes that I photograph to freeze them in time, to preserve them”. 

Alexandre Aldavert

All rights reserved @alexandrealdavert

La naissance d'une couronne

His first collection “Violet Citron” was first exhibited in Quito, Ecuador, in 2015. This collection was then exhibited in 2016 at the Cultural Centre of Ville d’Avray and at the headquarters of Lazard Frères Banque, for one year.

From the beginning of his photographic career, he has worked on large formats in order not to impose anything on the public and to invite them to feel and interpret, that he develops a personal relationship with photography. His work is marked by the idea of wonder, an absolute necessity. It is the first step towards curiosity, the idea of wanting to understand and preserve our environment, the object of his photographs.

For each photograph of his series “Resistance Resilience” which will be presented in our gallery Alexandre, poet-photographer, has composed a text between imagination and reality. These works, which display plant, animal and mineral figures that are as disturbing as they are beautiful, are imbued with questions about our contemporary society, which scorns itself by ignoring nature. The wonderment creates in us a call for air, an astonishment that allows the eternal and the absolute to exist.

Alexandre Aldavert

All rights reserved @alexandrealdavert

The opening will take place on 17/11 at 6.30pm in presence of the Artist. Further workshops and conferences about Cosmogony and reading will take place during the exhibition. Stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter or trough social networks.

Opening date: 17/11 @6.30pm

Exhibition: from 17/11 till 15/01/2023