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September 2023
  -    -  September

We welcome you from 5 to 7 October 2023 to immerse yourself in the world of ATELIER FLOU (Luxembourg) & MONA WIE (Belgium), where timeless elegance meets minimalism. ​ ​Sculpted Scent - A symphony of Haute Parfumerie & Haute Couture ​Atelier Flou has partnered with Mona Wie to curate an exclusive experience that harmoniously blends haute parfumerie with haute couture, in exquisite mise-en-scènes. ​ MONAWIE MONA WIE explores the art

Ivan Sollogoub is a contemporary French painter. From a family of Russian immigrants, is now established in Paris since a couple of years. He learned the fundamentals of his craft from Sergueï Toutounov, a painter trained in the Russian naturalist tradition at the Sourikov Institute in Moscow. His work is inspired by artists such as Rembrandt, Kandinsky, Hopper and Bonnard for their use of

After the success of our previous teatime afternoons, Fleur and I have decided to continue and to propose themed afternoon teatime still with sweet delights but now with salted ones too! Come and enjoy the Gallery with a cup of tea/coffee or champagne and the gorgeous sweets of The Little Bakeshop. These beautiful tables will be dressed to let you sip, savour and stroll around the gallery. 3

Valérie Schiel invites you on a journey guided by the sounds of the gong and her voice. A GONG BATH to relax and dive into an ocean of good vibes and to nurture yourselves. This one-hour session will be preceded by a guided meditation of 30 minutes to connect with the art that is surrounding us in the gallery to open our imagination and enrich our

Let's “write a collective story” on September 16, 2023 under the artistic expertise of Dominique Gringoire (Collage artist) accompanied by the marvellous sound of the Double bass by one of the best musician of Luxembourg, Laurent Payfert. The event will start with a collective collage - all audience must participate - with live music followed by a concert by Laurent What we’re proposing is an immersive