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  -  News   -  3 artists from Luxembourg joined our NFT Collection this month – Look at our portfolio, you’ll get a surprise!

After our first NFT artist who joined our collection in November 2021 – Phillip Fotheringham-Matt (PFM) with his videos and derived physical photos and drawing in digital art, we are glad to announce that the 3 following artists based in Luxembourg enhance our collection with their art, very different one from each other:


Michel Fouarge

Michel Fouarge is Luxemburgish. After a professional career in the world of luxury and modelling, and following an accident, he received a camera and computer equipment in 2002 and he started using Photoshop, among other things. His goal was to learn a way to transcribe his imaginary visions into virtual and graphic reality.

Michel is self-taught in the world of painting. It took him between 12 and 14 years to perfect his method of working called “Ab nihilo”, a Latin phrase meaning “from nothing”. To date, he has produced numerous works.

He has had several exhibitions in Paris, London, Luxembourg..

His works are purely what he calls cell art, a composition of an infinite number of cells, each one being unique and created by the artist. He codifies cells to infinity. The complexity of this art is to keep his inspiration as the repetitive tasks could drive you crazy!

His paintings are abstract or figurative. Sometimes it takes months to create a work. He composes his cells which are infinitely multiplied and divided into a minimum of 4 basic colours. His cells are divided from top to bottom and from left to right and NONE of them are similar. It is these famous cells that give body, matter, relief and volume to his works.

Michel is a precursor and was already in digital art 15 years ago.

5 of his digital art are offered today but keep following because big news will follow!!


JILLLLI is a passionate female abstract artist, based in Luxembourg.

She created the Luxembourg NFT CLUB in December 2021 and we immediately got along!

She described this collection as such

I had the ocean with its depth in mind because it might scare people and at the same time it gives a lot of peace and ease. And as a synonym to that I was thinking about the human being from a psychological perspective. Looking deep within ourselves and others might feel scary at first but also here, there comes a lot of peace and ease with being brave enough to look beyond and truly getting to know ourselves and others.

deep 1 JILLLLI

JILLLLI has now joined SUBTILE GALERY LUXEMBOURG with this specific DEEP NFT COLLECTION and 2 physical painting DEPTH with be included into the purchase of the NFT.


We all have our opinions, preferences, or ideas when absorbing a work of art and we sometimes even say to our inner selves- “I could do that myself”. Annaig was initially reluctant to exhibit her work as she had the sentiment that her oeuvre was not yet complete… that an element was lacking for it to feel fully accomplished. This is what spurred the idea of bringing the viewer into the heart of the creative process and , and hence allowing the interested buyer to participate in the completion of the composition.

The first part of this new series Autrement, Saison I, is based in a unique place in Brittany photographed by Annaïg during the first confinement. Every day, she placed her camera at the same exact spot and took a photograph. She then overlayed photographs taken over several days, vertically, and this because the pandemic has changed the way we see life around us. Our bearings have changed and our points of view have evolved. The final work of art is then completed with a photograph that represents somewhere else, from the time when the world was still considered as normal, albeit still in this verticalized view.


Annaïg is very involved in our NFT project for the gallery and is willing to break into this new NFT market by offering 2 of her photographies. Buying one NFT of hers, will give you the right to a print of 40x30CM


NFTs provide an innovative solution to put in tension Art, Tradition and Innovation

Contact us for any questions or in case you purchase one of those NFT to give you the complement. In case you don’t have any wallet, we will be glad to assist you (info@subtile.style)

link to our portfolio: https://kalamint.io/crypto21alux