
Art Exhibition: KIKI TONNERRE – Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures

  • 31 March 2022

Kiki Tonnerre poster


Opening Evening on 31 March 2022 – 6.30pm

 Exhibition 31 March – 15 May 2022

drawing – sculpture – colour – material

Subtile is delighted to welcome this artistic couple: KIKI TONNERRE

I discovered them last year in May, while visiting a beautiful artistic town in South of France, Arles. I chose the destination because of the opening of the LUMA, but I was one week too early. However I had then the chance to visit some galeries and discovered them in the beautiful gallery CIRCA.

CIRCA is exactly the same spirit as SUBTILE: it proposes art exhibition in a magical space, full of furniture and objects with a soul. Marianne the tenant is very sympathetic: we got along and she immediately called Gabriel, the male part of the duo.  Thanks to this encounter, it was obvious that I would welcome them here in Luxembourg.

The fascination for the living is the source of their artistic approach since the creation of this complementary duo formed in 2010 by Julie Conan and Gabriel Pollet.


                                                                                                 credit photo ©Annaig Giquel-Donadieu

The notions of fertility, movement and the state of metamorphosis inherent in everything are the roots of their work.
On a reserve of combinations: lines, strokes and dots, their research is occupied by drawing, sculpture and colour. This triptych of combinations is for them the means of probing the essence of the subjects treated.


credit photo ©Annaig Giquel-Donadieu


The materials are considered raw, to highlight them and keep the vital substance that animates them. As “being” and “support”, those materials underline and confirm the different dimensions brought by the external elements.
As for the colours, it is mainly their vibratory and declarative qualities, as well as their capacity for scale that they explore. Depending on the worlds to be mapped, colours, somewhat like a code, complete the relief and underline the imaginary vocabulary.

The crossing of one with the other results in a way of evoking the polyphony of the world.

This couple in the city as in the artist’s approach fascinates by their obvious complementarity. They come to us from Arles, a city of great creative energy where they have set up their studio. The rough walls allow for a magnificent installation and highlight their work, sometimes bathed in simplicity with their inks on paper, sometimes bursting with colour with their canvas drawings.Their strength lies in the combination of their different creations – fabrics, ink, sculpture – which make them almost indistinguishable and create a truly original and unique composition.

BANDES KIKI TONNERRE          credit photo ©Annaig Giquel-Donadieu

Their sensitivity is born from their sweet complicity. Some works are made in duo and others are born from their own personal research as a new breath to better nourish their duo.

Let yourself be guided by THE LITTLE towards THE WHOLE which composes their universe and which corresponds so well to the representation of a life cycle.

Kiki Tonnerre


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Please Register Here to attend the event on 31/03 from 6.30 pm

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    • Time : 18:30 - 22:00 (Europe/Luxembourg)
    • Registration Deadline : 31 March 2022 00:00

    Registration Deadline Expired!!

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