

There is a prevailing notion that photography is less appreciated nowadays due to the widespread availability of smartphones, with many considering themselves photographers. However, I believe that having the eye to detect the incongruous moment, the improbable angle, the subtle smile, is not a skill possessed by everyone, especially in a world saturated with images. Today, photography is moving away from pure technicality and

  Discover the Art of Ceramics with Cathy Deprez Join us for a trio of captivating ceramic workshops for this second quarter of 2024 led by the renowned artist Cathy Deprez. Each session is designed to immerse you in the world of ceramics through a unique theme, offering a blend of hands-on experience and artistic inspiration. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, these

    Karen Assayag was born in Casablanca, Morocco. She lived there for 17 years before moving to Paris. She worked in an advertising agency for 11 years, leaving in 2012 to devote herself exclusively to photography. She shoots portraits and documentary series. She is also developing a creative body of work combining photography with collages, photomontages and dyptiches. Karen is first runner-up for the Caritas Photo

La Fabrique d'Or, 2021 Alexandre Aldavert   Subtile is delighted to welcome Rick Serrano, painter, philosopher and lecturer and the photographer and short stories teller Alexandre Aldavert currently exhibiting in our gallery to converse about human nature, its beauties and its imperfections. Going out in the middle of the night to observe nature, delicately, respectfully, opening our sensitivity to the maximum and allowing silence to become part

Subtile est ravi d'accueillir Annaïg Giquel-Donadieu, française, habitant au Luxembourg depuis bientôt 10 ans. Son parcours juridique ne l'a pas empêché de développer continuellement ses connaissances dans ce domaine et de parcourir sa région natale, la Bretagne, pour se laisser subjuguer par la beauté des lieux et les mémoriser pour les emporter avec elle ici à Luxembourg. Après une formation au MoMA et