
  -  News   -  Culture+Creativity+Beauty are existential

culture + creativity + beauty

Art is a catalyst for shaping a better future society, a way to open up new perspectives,
encourage curiosity to look at what is behind the scenes and to stimulate creative solutions.

Art Thinking is a process of applying artistic thinking and an artful view to a broader range

of challenges.


Museum Greece


The importance of cultural curiosity

There is no doubt that culture shapes creative thinking and innovation. Creativity on a micro level is examined through revealing the process of an individual artist. It introduces ‘material thinking’; an intellectual pursuit specific to the making process and reflects on what may be learned from the process of making art. Art can create knowledge that constructs environments and changes lives. This personal knowledge and the work of the hand is sometimes at odds with the technological world, but a study of artistic practices enables us to see and think differently. Artworks have impact beyond the esthetic to influence social, political, and economic spheres.


In the light of many definitions of creativity, the individual is at the heart of the creative act. Creativity is seen as a quality in an individual who is able to produce and generate new and useful ideas. This ability is a function of flexibility, originality and sensitivity to problems.

Further to creativity, I am convinced that beauty shapes what and how we see, not just on the other side of our borders, but when we return back through the holes and look at our foundation, even our guiding walls, in new and gradually magnificent ways.

Beauty is existential, a force, as freelance journalist Lynsey Addario put it. “Beauty is about making people pause,” not just the audience, but the creator too. “To come to a fully conscious stop in their thinking and the meaning of what they do. And to begin to ask questions.”

Saul Leiter book

Saul Leiter

It’s beauty that carves out those holes, letting us see something more. It’s beauty that guides us through them and into what’s possible – the possible being something that may feel a moon leap away, but in truth lies most often lies adjacent to where we are, if we are only willing to create and explore those holes that give our creative minds oxygen.

Culture is the foundation of societies. It enables dialogue, fosters debate, and encourages the smooth and respectful defense of ideas. Cultured individuals are not aggressive because they can articulate their viewpoint and make themselves understood.

As a member of the subtle community, it is essential for you to continue exploring places, supporting art and culture, as well as the individuals and organizations that promote them. These passionate individuals and art lovers have taken risks to bring cultural awareness and uniqueness to Luxembourg. Although you may have your habits of visiting fairs abroad and purchasing designs and furnishings outside of Luxembourg, it is important to recognize the impact of these local actors who are working hard to foster a creative market within the country. We rely on you to share your experiences with the world and your friends, encouraging curiosity, daring to pause and analyse what is beautiful for you and exposing children to the beauty of the creative industry, in which they can contribute in the future.

Stimulation of Imagination

The field of application of creativity is not restricted to art or psychology; it can be extended to strategic management research.

Creativity depends on personality traits (Barron and Harrington, 1981), specific aptitudes and the environment in which the act of creation takes place. From a study carried out a few years ago,  as far as the reasons why companies want to harness the creative potential within the organisation are concerned, the people interviewed emphasised that the use of creativity is more undergone than managed.

Keramis La Louvière


Individual obstacles to creativity are essentially emotional in nature.
– The personality traits of a creative individual include openness to others, curiosity, a sense of observation and a predisposition to creativity.
– Individual creativity depends on personality, intrinsic motivation, skills and intellectual capacity.
– The creative performance of a creativity group depends on its characteristics, composition and functioning.

We can generate ideas if we know how to stimulate our imagination.

Since last year, Subtile has set about developing workshops for organisations and collaborating with prominent artists to offer workshops fostering creativity and mindfulness. From hands-on clay sessions to collage and sound-focused workshops, participants can individually and collectively enhance their creative senses and emotional intelligence. Join us in exploring the art of connection within your team!

These workshops unfold in our gallery space, creating a welcoming and nurturing environment that diverges from the workplace. This shift allows for a sensory exploration in a different setting, fostering creativity and connection in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere.

Interested to get to know more about our corporate workshops ? Contact us

(sources: Susan Liggett · Rae Earnshaw · Jill Townsley – Creativity in Art, Design and Technology/.An exploratory study of creativity in organisations, Kamel Mnisri, Haithem Nagati)